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Virgin Olive Oil is the only fat with origin in fresh fruits. Virgin means pure juice. Due to this fact, this particular Oil has unique characteristics.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil means that oleoic acid is bellow 0.8, the oil is extracted from VERY fresh and healthy fruits and has no quality defects. So “EXTRA Virgin Olive Oil” means that this olive oil as components that no other olive oil has, this is the case for example, of phenolic constituents like aldehydic secoiridoids, flavonoids and lignans (acetoxypinoresinol, pinoresinol) , strong antioxidants that are only present in Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The excellence of the climate and soil of Herdade de Vale de Arca, demonstrated by the existence of XVth century olive trees in full production, combined with a careful varietal selection and state of the art production techniques allow the extraction of a pure and low acidity olive juice, the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, strictly through the use of physical means and without chemical treatment.

Vale de Arca’s Estate has a total area of about 3.000 acres. Developing from a nucleus of XVth century olive trees, our olive grove occupies approximately 1.400 acres. Planted between two idyllic dams, an abundant water source that ensures their healthy growth, our trees were carefully selected from the best Portuguese quality varietals.

Only healthy and quality olives originating from high-grade varietals guarantee a good Farm Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The combination of Herdade de Vale de Arca’s climate and soil, along with a strict olive selection and state of the art oil extraction techniques, produce a fruity extra virgin nectar that promises to satisfy the most demanding palate!


  • A wonderfully fruity, mild, clean taste
  • Packaged beautifully in a keepsake glass bottles – 250 ml and 500ml
  • Imported directly from Portugal

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250ml-glass bottle, 500ml-glass bottle

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