Mories accepts Binance Pay as a payment method


One of the best marketplaces for healthy food products, Mories org, announces the addition of Binance Pay as a new method of payment for users of the online platform and e-shop

Mories has grown to become one of the finest marketplaces in the world for selected natural food products, with hundreds of buyers of products of popular healthy brands across the globe. As of today its online platform and e-shop started Binance Pay as a payment method for its users and members.

Recently the organization informed about collaboration with Binance, the largest crypto exchange for digital currencies. The form of partnership allows all the users of the Binance to pay their favourite goods and products with balance from their Binance account.

This is a first of its own innovation method to expose healthy food products to cryptolovers.

But this is just the beginning. There will be many steps in this partnership between Binance and Mories. Starting with the addition of support for Binance’s payment channels to the mobile version of Mories, including the addition of payment methods. 

In short, one more step forward for an even simpler and more secure future in the world of digital assets and cryptocurrencies!

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