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Beer cheese Paulus – Abbey cheese Special Edition

A cheese flavoured with beer – that truly is something to savour. Beer cheese Paulus – Abbey cheese is produced to an authentic recipe from Gouda, using only the best Dutch milk. We then add a unique beer, made ac-cording to the traditional method used at the Paulus Abbey, and ripen the cheese for about eight weeks until the flavour is just right.



Moreish Flavour

A cheese flavoured with beer – that truly is something to savour. Our cheese is produced to an authentic recipe from Gouda, using only the best Dutch milk. We then add a unique beer, made ac-cording to the traditional method used at the Paulus Abbey, and ripen the cheese for about eight weeks until the flavour is just right. The result is a fine Dutch Gouda that blends the gentle saltiness of a well-matured cheese with the fresh, slightly bitter fruitiness of Paulus Beer. A cheese that will leave you wanting more.

Cheese With A Story and original recipe

The history of Paulus Beer Cheese dates back to the city of Utrecht in the sixteenth century, where the Paulus Abbey – the second-oldest monastery in the Netherlands – had its own brewhouse. Us-ing water drawn from the city’s canals, the Benedictine monks brewed their own beer and everyone in Utrecht, rich and poor, drank it. In 1580, however, the abbey was dissolved and for centuries the beer was lost. That was until just a few years ago, when the original recipe was finally rediscovered.

The recipe tells us what was needed to brew a delicious abbey beer in the late Middle Ages: “a hop kettle, three barrels, 9 bushels of malt, three bushels of barley, a measure of half a bushel, two baskets to carry the groats, a wooden scoop, about six lasts of oats…” By reviving this age-old brewing method and combining it with the traditional craft of cheesemaking, Paulus Beer Cheese brings a passionate new dimension to two typical, much-loved aspects of Dutch culture.

Fat 52+ , pasteurised cow’s milk, rennet, beer, salt, vitamins A, B and D

Your beer cheese is freshly prepared and vacuum-packaged at package of 2,000gr.


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