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MOKAFLOR BLU – Blue Blend 50-50

A blend of vigorous body and strong taste with a dense and persistent creaminess that combines the sweetness of the Brazilian Arabicas with the intensity and structure of the Far Eastern Robustas; ideal also for milk based drinks.



The Mokaflor roasting company was founded in the 1950s in the heart of Florence, behind Piazza della Signoria by Vasco Bernini. From a small shop, the company has evolved and expanded to being today in the third generation of the Bernini family.
Experience and tradition are the elements that guarantee a high standard of quality, which is always the same thanks to the continuity in the selection of the best coffee beans from all over the world. Through research and flexibility, we then try to adapt to every market and clients´necessity.
A blend of vigorous body and strong taste with a dense and persistent creaminess that combines the sweetness of the Brazilian Arabicas with the intensity and structure of the Far Eastern Robustas; ideal also for milk based drinks. This is blend 50% Arabica and 50% Robustas.

This tasting was done as espresso at 91°C with an extraction of 25 ml in 23 seconds. The average degassing takes place in 60 hours. Dark brown colored cream; the body is intense and the bitterness strong. Both balanced by a very pleasant chocolate aroma sweetness. The scents are of bitter cocoa and fine wood scents.
This product is offered in 250 gr. and 1000 gr package.
For further information about price and sales contact us at

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1000 gr, 250 gr

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